I'll be back in Italy in October...it's been quite a while since last time I was there (End of August, beginning of September 2006).
I'm going for the opening night of Avenue Q, directed by Stefano and with my best friend as one of the leads...I'm so thrilled for them!
Stefano worked so hard for this show and I hope it will be a huge success for them!

I'll be surely cheering them on!

Life is good over here...I've been working quite a lot, I recorded many voice overs this summer, one for a Munich documentary, another one was an Italian application for the IPhone, then I had a huge project for an on-line Italian dictionary...I had to tape more than 72000 words it took me more than two months, but now I truly know my language inside out hehehe...
I taped a bunch of others VO and tomorrow I have another one for a learning product in the morning...
Then on Wednesday I'll be shooting a short independent film that will be submitted to festivals.
it's a sweet story and I'm very much looking forward to it, it was also cool because i got the job right at the audition...made me feel pretty good gotta say ;)
I was also asked to write a weekly blog for a new website created by artists and for artist and I was very honored!
Here it is if you wanna check it out:
Off to work now...I'm teaching my acting class tonight and I'm always looking forward to it.